Middle East

Since 1967, the West Bank has been conquered and occupied by Israel. Today, more than 2 million Palestinian people live there alongside with 400 000 settlers. Among them, some are occupying illegal land and will refuse to move.
The peace process is today almost dead and most of the solutions seem impossible : a Palestinian state, an annexation of land by Israel, an israeli-palestinain confederation ? On the field, most settlers don’t want to acknowledge the existence of the Palestinians and has decided to built illegal outposts.
For this story, I’ve been travelling all around the West Bank from Naplouse to Hebron to meet the settlers. Some of them moved on the other side of the green line for economic reasons (it’s way cheaper) and most of them for ideological reasons (this land belongs to the chosen people as the Bible says). Those who live in the illegal outposts are among the most violent. They are young and dunged into religion and ideology since a very young age. And by their radical positions, they are the ones, backed by the government and they army, stopping the peace process.